Hi, I’m Hester.

I’m a Daring to Rest Certified Rest Coach and Yoga Nidra Facilitator trained in The Rested Path™.

Since 2020, I’ve been resting almost every day. Becoming a well-rested woman helped me make choices that transformed every area of my life.
This is what’s possible for you!

Rest is in my lineage.

My grandmother valued being over doing. In a world obsessed with productivity, she valued dreaming and contemplation. Her example gave my mother permission to rest and permission to dream. My grandmother died over 20 years ago, and I still remember what my mother shared at the memorial. She spoke of the many intangible gifts she inherited, including permission to rest. Then, she realized I too inherited this gift.

My mother told a story about an Adirondack chair…

…that had gone missing from the back yard. Then she realized it was me who had moved it to the side garden where I was sitting alone dreaming, at age 16, among the purple asters and black-eyed Susans…taking in the late September sun.

Resting isn’t easy, even when we know we need it.

As an introvert, empath, and highly sensitive person, I need a lot of down time to rejuvenate. I’ve learned to love this part of myself and build my lifestyle around supporting her. But it’s not always easy. Our culture is designed around productivity, not rest.

Years ago, I experienced a number of life changes in a short time: Meeting my husband, changing jobs, moving in together, starting my business, getting married, and building a house. It was too much for my sensitive nervous system and I had trouble resting, sleeping, and digesting for 3 years.

In my stressed-out state, a friend suggested I needed rest.  Not sleep, but rest. 

She introduced me to Daring to Rest Yoga Nidra, and I started lying down for an 18 min meditation daily. 

I felt such a big shift. 

My anxiety diminished, my sleep became deeper and I started dreaming every night. Resting helped me make future life decisions with my intuition, from a well-rested place, breaking the cycle of exhaustion.

After committing to a daily Yoga Nidra practice, which nourished my emotional well-being, I was able to focus more on my physical well-being.

I love guiding and supporting women to step into a more rested life.

After experiencing the power of Yoga Nidra for myself in my personal practice, I became a Daring to Rest Certified Rest Coach and Daring to Rest Certified Yoga Nidra Facilitator trained in The Rested Path™.

When I started health coaching in 2010, I noticed many of the women I was supporting were simply too exhausted to make lifestyle changes.

What they really needed was REST!


Rest Coaching

Receive 1:1 support from Hester to develop a consistent rest practice, create rest boundaries, and claim a rested life.

Rest Events

Join my online New Moon & Full Moon rest circles, Rustic Rest events in Lincolnville, Maine, or rest retreats at Limina Renewal Center.

Rest Recordings

Rest from home with the sound of Hester’s voice.  Choose from short rest practices to 20 - 40 minute Yoga Nidra meditations.

My Education & Training

Praise for Resting with Hester

Let’s have tea.

Get started with a 30 minute free consultation, so we can get to know each other.